Monday, September 5, 2011

The time is NOW.

I'll start off by saying I LOVE jewelry. Well, really any kind of accessory. In particular, I love watches. I have an original from Canada that my old boss was kind enough to give me. (I'll try and get a picture up soon!) I also have a time-peace watch. If you haven't ever heard of time-peace you definetely need to check them out. Their philosophy is that time shouldn't matter and that we should all live in the NOW. You can take a look at their site here. I have the white slap wrist one! I am always on the hunt for eccentric watches and today I stumbled upon one I HAVE TO OWN! Here is the beauty...

Which one do you like best?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Feelin' Crafty

WOW. I haven't posted in quite a while. I could lie and say the only reason is because I'm just SOOO busy ;), but I've also been lazy. And it doesn't hurt that I've been on vacation and haven't had internet at home!!! I'll post about my vacation to Pow Wow Fest later when I get my pictures ready, but for now I'll show you a few projects I'm currently working on.
My friend Brittany and I have recently started making jewelry! I found a tutorial online to make dreamcatcher necklaces. Brittany and I both love dreamcatchers, so this was the perfect thing to start out with. I'm really excited about how my first one turned out that I'm thinking of starting an Etsy store! I'm in the early stages of doing this, but when I have more info I will definetely let you know.
Another project I've been working on is the table pictured below. Britt and I found it by the dumpster outside my apartment building and decided to give it some love! We started out by painting it (which you can't really see in the picture) and then gluing beer caps on the top. We left it unfinished for a couple of weeks and I felt uneasy about the design on the top, so I decided to redo it. I've finished gluing the caps in place and today I am going to get some paint and paint the spaces that don't have caps. I'm really excited to see it finished!
Tonight a few friends and I are getting together and making earrings and who knows what else! Have a great Monday!
xoxo Nicole

Sorry for the quality of the pictures. These were taken on my phone.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Google Generation

We all know that technology is advancing so rapidly these days, it's kind of hard to keep up. Not only do we have the World Wide Web but we have SO many ways to access it now that when you don't have your 3G or wifi connection, you get kind of pissed. I work in an outdoor mall, I'm pretty sure it's the biggest of it's kind in North Florida and we even have wifi for our entire mall. My point is.. technology is growing, and fast. When I start to think about all of this, it makes me wonder how it's really effecting (affecting?) us. Is our generation really the google generation?
Apparently, some studies show that it's not negatively effecting us, which I thought was some what surprising. I think as long as we don't forget that the internet and Google and everything else that is out there is a tool, not a crutch. We all need to be reminded every once and a while that books and good old fashioned pen and paper are never out of style. I LOVE books, and the internet will never replace the feeling and smell of a good hard back.
So, I encourage everyone to read a book or write a letter sometime soon. And when you're reading that book and get to a word that you don't know the meaning of.. Google it! :)

Here's an interesting article on the "Google Generation".

Later this week I will have some posts on a few DIY projects and pictures from the Fourth!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Milky Way

Happy Fourth of July weekend to everyone! I'm stuck at work today but fortunately I'm off tomorrow and have a short day on the fourth. As of now, I have no big plans but I do plan on raging hard the next two days with my friends and seeing fireworks on the beach with my boyfriend, Wesley. I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm leaving you with an amazing video I stumbled upon on my lunch break today, just follow the link here. Enjoy! :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

STS9 - Scheme

I'm in such a fantastic mood today! Mainly due to the fact that I get off work early (this never happens). So, I thought I would share an awesome song with you guys by one of my favorite artists on this planet.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Free As a Bird

I don't know what it is but I love models. My dream job would include working with these gorgeous people! I think the thing I love most is that not all models are your typical beauties. Some of them are very unique and eccentric. Which brings me to... Charlotte Free. I stumbled upon an article about her a few days ago and I am infatuated with her. First, I love the fact that she is only 5'7. I say "ONLY" because 5'7 is very short for a normal runway model. Not all models can pull off being this height so this alone gives her 1,000 cool points. Another thing I adore is her hair. A lot of models think of themselves as a canvas for a designer or photographer, so they try and keep themselves looking simple and easy to transform; but not Charlotte. You can find the article I stumbled upon here.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Here We Go!

Well, hello there! I have been thinking about what my first post should be for quite some time now, to the point that I thought I was never going to post ANYTHING because I felt all my ideas weren't good enough. So, this is me saying welcome and getting over my first post blues. :) Stay tuned, I have some awesome stuff planned for you guys.